by Fox | Feb 10, 2017 | American History, AP Human Geography, Geographical Imagination, World Cultures
Check this website out for map quizzes.
by Fox | Feb 9, 2017 | Big Questions, Geographical Imagination, World Cultures
National Geographic Project (PART THREE)
For the individual report you will provide the following for each of the eight (8) photos selected for you. Be sure to label each section A,B,C,D.
- A description of each photo in detail. Describe what and who are in the photograph. This is not analysis but a 2-3 sentence description of the photo. Plain and simple.
- Which of Lutz and Collins’ categories does this photograph fit in? Choose from the following (or add another): A World of Ritual, Indexical Dress, Color Photography, Idealizations, The Smile, Portraiture, Group Size, A Middle-Class World, A World of Work, Virility, Natural Humans w/o History, Halo of Green, Two Worlds, The Naked Black Woman. Be sure to explain why in 1-2 sentences.
- Explain how Lutz and Collins would interpret this kind of photograph. This is analysis and you need to write 2-3 paragraphs discussing how some of Lutz and Collins’ ideas can help frame the way we think about the photograph.
- How do you view the photograph? What does it make you think? In 1 long paragraph discuss what this photograph makes you think about the people and place depicted.
Lastly, (on pages 19-20) in 2-3 paragraphs address the following BIG QUESTION(S): How is my imagination of the world formed by National Geographic photographs and other popular forms of geographical knowledge of peoples and places? What do I do with this information and knowledge? How does it affect me?
NOTE: You may use all of the resources and readings you were given as part of this project. You may not consult the Internet for any reason during class work. Be sure to cite your sources when necessary. Do not merely copy from the book and then claim that is your own work. That is plagiarism and you will receive a zero on the project.
GOOD LUCK EXPLORERS!! This is due Friday at the end of class.
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